Cimpol X |
APPLICATIONS: | It is recommended for preliminary polishing or grease mopping of non-ferrous metals. It can also be used for polishing plastic materials. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | The composition may be applied to H quality or unbleached brown B quality mops. |
Empol |
APPLICATIONS: | A brushing emery composition for giving clear polish to steel articles prior to Nickel plating. Excellent in removing scratches produced by earlier stages of abrasive finishing on ferrous components. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used in conjunction with fibre brushing wheels/steelpol mop. |
Chropol |
APPLICATIONS: | A green oxide composition for finishing chrome plate & imparting a very high brilliance. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on an unbleached Calico mops/Soft finish/G quality mops. |
Unipol |
APPLICATIONS: | Excellent for final polishing of SS. Clean to use, fast cutting & clears extremely well, producing a high reflective finish. Ideal for finishing chromium plat especially to remove "Burnt" edges. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on unbleached Calico mops/soft finish or G quality mops. |
Stipol |
APPLICATIONS: | A special green chrome oxide composition for obtaining a mirror finishing on SS. It is specially suitable for colouring SS cutlery. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on unbleached Calico mops/soft finish or G quality mops. |
Espol |
APPLICATIONS: | A white polishing composition used for removing firm abrasive marks from previous operations while polishing SS. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on bleached Calico mops or Sisal mops. |
Braxpol |
APPLICATIONS: | Used for high speed abrasive finishing of SS, iron & steel components. Also suitable for certain non-ferrous metal. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on Sisal mops/steepol mops. |
Rouge 'A' |
APPLICATIONS: | Used for final polishing of silver & gold deposits. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on soft quality mops. |
Rouge 'B' |
APPLICATIONS: | A hard composition for silver work & high class brassware. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on soft/ G quality mops. |
Plastipol |
APPLICATIONS: | Used for producing a brilliant finish one celluloid, vulcanite, polystyrene & hard wood. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on soft cloth or swansdown mops. |
Spray Cut |
APPLICATIONS: | A liquid polishing compound used on automatic polishing machines for burnishing of steel prior to plating. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on sisal fibre mops. 15 to 40° C |
Spray Fine |
APPLICATIONS: | Fine finishing of ferrous & non-ferrous metals. Nickel finishing & colouring or final finishing. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on sisal fibre mops. 15 to 40° C |
Spray White |
APPLICATIONS: | Final finishing of SS & other alloy steel. Suitable for aluminium finishing. |
OPERATING CONDITIONS: | Used on air flow sisal fibre mops. |